Çevirimiçi Etkinlik Starting Into Space The Dynamics of An Art Practice Gül Kozacıoğlu
In “Starting Into Space” conceptual artist and performer Gül Kozacıoğlu will talk about the evolution of her art projects, from inspiration to idea, to installation and performance. To illustrate an
Rebecca Horn : moon mirror site-specific installations 1982-2005 / edited by Marion Ackermann, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, and Hans Werner Holzwarth.
Seminer Media Archaeology of Films
How are the remnants of past media apparatuses and cultures, their products, their forms of production, reconstructed in today’s media apparatuses and today’s art, with a multiplex history and temporality?
Exhibition Minor Problems in a Major City
The wide-ranging work of Frankfurt artist Tobias Rehberger (born 1966) moves between the opposite poles of art and everyday culture. His installations, sculptures and objects focus on the interactive movement of art, life and design in both a contemporary and sensual way.
Blog Through Music and Film Ai Weiwei
Slowly permeating our collective pop-conscience, artist, activist, and dissident Ai Weiwei continues to be one of the most diligently prolific and controversial names of recent years.
Söyleşi Digital Serendipity Exhibition Talk Series
In the first event of artist talks series we invite Anna Shustikova and Roman Solodkov to talk about their projects, presented at Digital Serendipity exhibition and how these projects are incorporated in the context of their practice.
Film Kitty Ai
Kitty AI is a twelve-minute first-person narrative with post-Internet graphics that provides the audience with a snapshot of the history of affective computing.
Talk Series Digital Art Now Ozan Türkkan
Talk series titled “Digital Art Now” which is focusing on the working practices of the artists who work by the means of the digital expression possibilities in Turkey and around the world is on Akbank Sanat YouTube channel.
Seminer Sound Installation: Examples From Notable Artists From The 70s Till Now - Erdem Helvacıoğlu
A retrospective seminar on “Sound Installation” history and aesthetics from the 70s until today.
Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (September - Group 1)
Akbank Sanat
Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (September - Group 2)
Kid Family Upcycling: Mosaic Workshop (Ages 4-8)
Kid Family Upcycling: Sculpture Workshop (Ages 4-8)
Dance Embodied Attunement: Enhancing Mental Health Through Collective Movement
Workshop JAmZZ Masterclass Program
BAU Pera Stage
Concert Kenan Doğulu “İhtimaller”
Müze Gazhane
Concert Meriç Dönük
Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi
Concert fugamundi x Berke Can Özcan Jazz Listening Club
Bant Mag. Havuz / Bina
Concert Güneş Cengiz & Adar Geçimli
Yeldeğirmeni Arts Center
Concert Ayşe Tütüncü "Song Project"
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