Mercan Dede has recently focused on his career as a DJ with the new electronic songs and remixes he produces. Are we ready to dance together to his high-rhythm live DJ performance for electronic music lovers?
Mercan Dede believes that we can create a universal language capable of uniting ancient and modern, East and West by combining digital and electronic sounds with hand-made music and human voices. That’s a bold claim, yes, but Turkish-born, Montreal-based musician/producer/DJ Mercan Dede has the career and sound palette to back up this argument. When he performs with his band Secret Tribe, he hovers by his record players and electronic devices and glamorizes his rhythms and magical trans melodies with the instruments he spontaneously decides to include. The opening performance of the 33rd Akbank Jazz Festival, Mercan Dede’s Live DJ Set with Secret Tribe will be on stage at Müze Gazhane on September 23.
Mercan Dede: DJ
Burak Malçok: Ney
Mert Elmas: Percussion
Özdemir Güz: Oud, Violin
* For the opening night of the 33rd Akbank Jazz Festival, Mercan Dede "Live DJ Set with Secret Tribe" will greet us on the night of the 23rd of September at 20:30 on the Müze Gazhane Stage. The event is free of charge. You could aquire a free of charge ticket on Biletix by clicking here or come directly to the Müze Gazhane on the day of the event and enter free of charge.
23 September 2023 Saturday 20:30
Müze Gazhane
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