21st Akbank Short Film Festival
Blog 20th Anniversary of the Akbank Short Film Festival
The Akbank Short Film Festival, celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, aims to introduce filmmakers to the world of short films, which is often the first step and excitement for many filmmakers.
Blog Highlights from the career of Erkan Kolçak Köstendil
Actor, writer, director, musician, and footballer Erkan Kolçak Köstendil is one of the jury members for the “Festival Shorts” section of the 20th Akbank Short Film Festival. Let’s take a look at his clearly successful journey, where he has seized the right opportunities at the right time and place, as well as his upcoming projects on the horizon.
Blog Special Stops of Gökçe Bahadır’s Acting Journey
20th Akbank Short Film Festival will feature Gökçe Bahadır as a guest for the traditional “On Acting” talks of the festival. She will share her industry experiences, perspectives on short films, and thoughts on acting with the participants. On this occasion, we have outlined a route of special milestones in Gökçe Bahadır’s acting journey.
Blog The Shared Emotions of Iran: The Cinema of Ali Asgari
Ali Asgari, who started his cinematic journey with short films and continued with feature films, will take part in the discussion program of the 20th Akbank Short Film Festival to share his cinematic experiences. Let’s take a look at the cinema of Ali Asgari, the mind behind many shorts that have traveled to festivals worldwide.
Blog Evaluating the Existence with All its Possibilities: Sarah Francis
Sarah Francis, one of the new generation filmmakers striving to expand the boundaries of her art and take its narrative to a global scale, will engage in a discussion following the screening of her award-winning documentary Birds of September. Before her talk, let’s get to know her a bit better.
Blog Nuri Bilge Ceylan’ın metamorfozu: Koza
Cocoon. The place where metamorphosis occurs, is the stage of transformation. Nuri Bilge Ceylan emerges from his cocoon, rolling up his sleeves to start working on his first film marks back in 1993, corresponding to the years when he abandoned his cinema education.
Blog The cinema of Rok Biček and the extraordinary production process of “The Family”
One of the guests of the 17th Akbank Film Festival’s “Documentary Cinema” section is Rok Biček, whose wide-ranging experience in filmmaking extends from visual
Blog Highlights from the 17th Akbank Short Film Festival screenings
Akbank Short Film Festival has attained a pivotal role in Turkey’s cinema with a mission to expand cross-cultural creative interactions, support the productions of short films, and sustain constructive dialogues about this art form.
Blog A talent who has spent years at the editing bench: Mary Stephen
Although Mary Stephen has been working as a director, producer and even composer in documentary and fiction film area for over 40 years,
Blog What matters is to tell a story: Erdem Tepegöz
“Short to Feature” program of 17th Akbank Short Film Festival features Erdem Tepegöz, whose latest film Gölgeler İçinde premiered at Moscow International Film Festival.
Blog Whether short or feature, similar emotional paths: Jaco Van Dormael’s cinema
Magical touch to realism, complex and parallel narrations, a one of a kind sense of humour...
Blog 5 Short Animations From 5 Cinema Giant
Let’s have a look at the less known shorts from producers, writers and directors of blockbuster animations, which have left their mark on the animation world.
Seminar Preventive Conversation: Packing, Shipping and Storage Management - II
Online Platform – Zoom
Film Animal
Akbank Sanat
Conversation Environmentally Friendly, Sustainable Filmmaking
Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (February - Group 1)
Conversation Eco-friendly Storytelling in Movies and TV Series
Seminar Sustainability in Film and Media Education
Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (February - Group 2)
Kid Akbank Children’s Theatre"What Am I Going To Be?"
Kid Art Reflects: Colorful Emotions (Ages 7-12)
Workshop Musical Approaches in Acting Exploration
Kid Art Balances: Geometric Patterns (Ages 5-8)
Kid Art Shapes: Garden of Sculptures (Ages 7-12)
Seminar An Alternative View on Art and Children
Film Wistful Wilderness (Weemoed en Wildernis)
Seminar Hills and Stairs
Seminar Narrating with Light
Seminar Return to Plato's Cave: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and the Future of Political Systems
Conversation As a Dialogue Tool: To Repair
Kid A City: The Journey of Lost Voices (Ages 5-9)
Kid Istanbul in My Library: Book Nook Workshop (Ages 5-9)
Workshop The Birth of Words
Workshop Upcycling Workshops: Creative Prints with Waste Materials
Seminar The Making Of A Biennial: Models, Institutions, Stakeholders
Film The Flat Jungle (De Platte Jungle)
Conversation Ayrılık
Workshop Material: Water
Seminar 3 Degrees? - Science and Politics as the Climate Crisis Accelerates
Workshop Sofia Casprini “Dynamic Floorwork” Workshop
Workshop Directoral Explorations in Modern Turkish Theatre
Kid Tracing Migratory Birds: Birdhouse Design Workshop (Ages 6-10)
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