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Atölye Meisner Acting Technique
24 June 2023 - Meisner's Technique, which defines acting as "to really live under imaginary conditions", consists of real, impulsive and uncensored responses of the actor to his partner in order to get out of this cycle.
Atölye Micheal Chekhov Acting Theory
17 June 2023 - Who is Michael Chekhov? What are the fundamentals of the Michael Chekhov technique? The relationship between body and imagination, which is the main focus of the technique?
Atölye Movement of Sound
10 June 2023 - In this workshop, together with the participants, it will be investigated how the sound is formed and how the sound is composed of notes, resonant, violence, etc. different qualities will be studied.
Atölye Stanislavsky Theory of Acting
3 June 2023 - In the workshop where the main topics of the theory of Konstantin Stanislavski, who changed the modern understanding of acting, will be discussed, exercises will be done with exercises based on the Stanislavski System.
Atölye From Text to Stage
27 May 2023 - In the workshop, where we will search the ways to correctly analyze the skeleton of the play text that will come to life with the actor's material on the stage, we will create a play text with this method.
Atölye Camera Acting
25 February 2023 - In this workshop, we will learn the hints of creating our existance in front of the camera and we will explore how we can create a relationship with the camera.
Atölye Interaction And Communication With The Partner On Stage
6 May 2023 - In this workshop, we will explore how we actually see and listen to our partner while we act on stage.
Atölye Staging
29 April 2023 - A conversation about the journey of director from dream to reality.
Atölye Animal And Object Observations In Acting Practices
15 April 2023 - The Animal and Object Observations Workshop in Actor's Work is an exploration of how the actor would use their power of observation and how they can use those observations while creating the character.
Atölye Breath and Presence On The Stage
8 April 2023 - The focus of this workshop will be to engage with the partner, the stage and the audience through breathing.
Atölye Creation Of A Play: 3 Hours On The Writing Table
1 April 2023 - In this workshop the author's design processes from creating a play idea to writing it down will be explained, the methods of overcoming the writer's obstacles with various exercises will be discussed, put into practice and a stage text will be produced.
Atölye On the Journey of the Actor and Professional Ethics with Nur Sürer
25 March 2023 - Nur Sürer will talk about the experiences she has encountered in her acting journey and the relationship with her co-stars, the production and the creative team, and what needs to happen.
Seminar Strategic Planning & Project Development - I
Online Platform – Zoom
Seminar Strategic Planning & Project Development - II
Film Neandria
Akbank Sanat
Workshop Material: Soil
Seminar Preventive Conversation: Packing, Shipping and Storage Management - I
Workshop Stage Directions
Kid Family Upcycling: Mosaic Workshop (Ages 4-8)
Kid Family Upcycling: Sculpture Workshop (Ages 4-8)
Seminar Preventive Conversation: Packing, Shipping and Storage Management - II
Film Animal
Conversation Environmentally Friendly, Sustainable Filmmaking
Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (February - Group 1)
Conversation Eco-friendly Storytelling in Movies and TV Series
Seminar Sustainability in Film and Media Education
Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (February - Group 2)
Kid Akbank Children’s Theatre"What Am I Going To Be?"
Kid Art Reflects: Colorful Emotions (Ages 7-12)
Workshop Musical Approaches in Acting Exploration
Kid Art Balances: Geometric Patterns (Ages 5-8)
Kid Art Shapes: Garden of Sculptures (Ages 7-12)
Seminar An Alternative View on Art and Children
Film Wistful Wilderness (Weemoed en Wildernis)
Seminar Hills and Stairs
Seminar Narrating with Light
Seminar Return to Plato's Cave: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and the Future of Political Systems
Conversation As a Dialogue Tool: To Repair
Kid A City: The Journey of Lost Voices (Ages 5-9)
Kid Istanbul in My Library: Book Nook Workshop (Ages 5-9)
Workshop The Birth of Words
Workshop Upcycling Workshops: Creative Prints with Waste Materials
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