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Çocuk Akbank Children's Theatre / Gorilla
Hannah is a cute little girl who loves gorillas. Since his father works intensively, every time she misses him, she plays with his gorillas. She wishes her father be a gorilla too.
Tiyatro The Only Bird Not Afraid From The Cold
Riki lives coldest and longest winter in his life. That year winter didn’t finish, spring, summer, event autumn did not come. At the end exhausted Rikki wakes up one morning and decides to find the winter and talk to him and persuade him to leave.
Söyleşi Koffi Kwahulé: Jazz As An Inspiration For Theatre
Kwahulé will discuss the influence of jazz on his writing in light of the relationship between these two artistic disciplines.
Blog 10 not-to-be-missed festivals from Scandinavia
As the Akbank Sanat Nordic Film Days approaches, we are taking a look at the Scandinavian festivals, which present a showcase of various cultures.
Seminar Strategic Planning & Project Development - I
Online Platform – Zoom
Seminar Strategic Planning & Project Development - II
Film Neandria
Akbank Sanat
Workshop Material: Soil
Seminar Preventive Conversation: Packing, Shipping and Storage Management - I
Workshop Stage Directions
Kid Family Upcycling: Mosaic Workshop (Ages 4-8)
Kid Family Upcycling: Sculpture Workshop (Ages 4-8)
Seminar Preventive Conversation: Packing, Shipping and Storage Management - II
Film Animal
Conversation Environmentally Friendly, Sustainable Filmmaking
Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (February - Group 1)
Conversation Eco-friendly Storytelling in Movies and TV Series
Seminar Sustainability in Film and Media Education
Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (February - Group 2)
Kid Akbank Children’s Theatre"What Am I Going To Be?"
Kid Art Reflects: Colorful Emotions (Ages 7-12)
Workshop Musical Approaches in Acting Exploration
Kid Art Balances: Geometric Patterns (Ages 5-8)
Kid Art Shapes: Garden of Sculptures (Ages 7-12)
Seminar An Alternative View on Art and Children
Film Wistful Wilderness (Weemoed en Wildernis)
Seminar Hills and Stairs
Seminar Narrating with Light
Seminar Return to Plato's Cave: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and the Future of Political Systems
Conversation As a Dialogue Tool: To Repair
Kid A City: The Journey of Lost Voices (Ages 5-9)
Kid Istanbul in My Library: Book Nook Workshop (Ages 5-9)
Workshop The Birth of Words
Workshop Upcycling Workshops: Creative Prints with Waste Materials
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