Louise Bourgeois : Aller-Retour : Zeichnungen und Skulpturen = Drawings and Sculptures / director: Gerald Matt ; Curator: Peter Weiermair. Bourgeois, Louise
Kid Mobile Sculptures (Ages 8-12)
American artist Alexander CALDER offered us the first modern examples of modern sculpture as mobile sculptures in the beginning of 1900s!
A sculpture reader : contemporary sculpture since 1980 / edited by Glenn Harper and Twylene Moyer ; with an introduction by Karen Wilkin.
Bellek ve ölçek / memory and scale : modern Türk heykelinin 15 sanatçısı / 15 artists of modern Turkish sculpture / Küratörler/Curators: Haşim Nur Gürel, Ali Akay, Levent Çalıkoğlu.
Sculpture today / Judith Collins. Collins, Judith
Modern painting and sculpture : 1880 to the present at the Museum of Modern Art / edited by John Elderfield.
Sergi Georg Baselitz: The Last Decade
Georg Baselitz: The Last Decade, held at the Sabancı University Sakıp Sabancı Museum (SSM) and Akbank Sanat, features works by the German painter, printmaker, and sculptor Georg Baselitz, a prominent figure in contemporary art.
Louise Bourgeois : I have been to hell and back / edited by Iris Müller-Westermann.
The Phaidon atlas of 21st century world architecture / concept design by Hamish Muir ; adapted by Julia Hasting ; designed by Sonya Dyakova with Lucy Newell ; maps by Bruno Moser.
History of modern art : painting, sculpture, architecture, photography / H. H. Arnason ; Peter Kalb, revising author, fifth edition. Arnason, H. H.
Doris Salcedo / Nancy Princenthal, Carlos Basualdo, Andreas Huyssen. Princenthal, Nancy.
Anish Kapoor : Whiteout / Anish Kapoor. Kapoor, Anish
Seminar The Story of Curating
Online Platform – Zoom
Film Marianne and Juliane
Akbank Sanat
Seminar The Story of Modern and Contemporary Art - I
Film Ivan's Childhood
Panel Neuro-CinePhilosophical Approach Accompanied by Vivaldi's Four Seasons
Panel Philosophy of Evil through Films
Workshop Found Footage Film Workshop
Film Perfect Days
Panel Philosophy of Happiness in Cinema
Film A Day, 365 Hours
Panel Social Transformation and Sustainability: On Seeing and Showing the Truth
Workshop Neuroscinephilosophical Experience Workshop
Film Mindörökké (Eternal)
Kid Art Reflects: Colorful Emotions (Ages 7-12)
Kid Art Balances: Geometric Patterns (Ages 5-8)
Panel Science Fiction and Reality
Kid Art Shapes: Garden of Sculptures (Ages 7-12)
Conversation Closing Speech
Seminar The Story of Modern and Contemporary Art - II
Seminar An Alternative View on Art and Children
Film The Patriotic Woman
Conversation Family
Seminar The Culture & Ideology of Art
Seminar The Epistemology of Ignorance and What Lies Behind Indifference
Dance "Palma" Dance Performance
Kid Akbank Children’s Theatre"What Am I Going To Be?"
Workshop Upcycling Workshops: Creative Prints with Waste Materials
Workshop Body and Composition
Kid Tracing Migratory Birds: Birdhouse Design Workshop (Ages 6-10)
Film The Marriage of Maria Braun
Kid Sounds and Stories of Istanbul (Ages 5-9)
Kid Istanbul in My Library: Book Nook Workshop (Ages 5-9)
Workshop The Physical Dimension of Sound
Theater The Experience
Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (November - Group 1)
Theater Fume
Conversation Talk with Tiago Correia and Antonio Parra
Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (November - Group 2)
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