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Söyleşi Digital Art Now Yağmur Uyanık
The tenth guest of the talk series entitled “Digital Art Now” which is focusing on different topics such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, audio/visual performances, computer technologies is Yağmur Uyanık.
Söyleşi Digital Art Now Lara Kamhi
Talk series titled “Digital Art Now” which is focusing on the working practices of the artists who work by the means of the digital expression possibilities in Turkey and around the world is on Akbank Sanat YouTube channel.
Talk Series Digital Art Now HA:AR
The seventh guest of the talk series entitled “Digital Art Now” which is focusing on the working practices of the artists who work by the means of the digital expression possibilities is HA:AR.
Talk Series Digital Art Now Osman Koç
Talk Series Digital Art Now Bager Akbay
Söyleşi Science, Technology, Society Talks - 10
Nuclear Alaturca
Talk Series Digital Art Now Ozan Türkkan
Talk Series Digital Art Now Candaş Şişman
Söyleşi Science, Technology, Society Talks – 9
In this event which will be taking place during the pandemic of Corona Virus (COVID-19), named after its crown-like shape, Fatih Artvinli, Mehmet Ekinci and Ebru Yetişkin will be speaking about the Social and Psychological History of pandemics.
Talk Series Digital Art Now Can Büyükberber
Talk Series Digital Art Now Selçuk Artut
Söyleşi Science, Technology, Society Talks – 4
Nükleer enerji kullanımının ölçeğini genişletmek ya da bunu aşama aşama sonlandırmak için herhangi bir ulusal bağlamda nasıl bir seçim yapılmış olursa olsun, “nükleer zamanlarda” yaşamaya başladık.
Seminar An Alternative View on Art and Children
Online Platform – Zoom
Film Wistful Wilderness (Weemoed en Wildernis)
Akbank Sanat
Seminar Hills and Stairs
Seminar Narrating with Light
Seminar Return to Plato's Cave: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and the Future of Political Systems
Conversation As a Dialogue Tool: To Repair
Kid A City: The Journey of Lost Voices (Ages 5-9)
Kid Istanbul in My Library: Book Nook Workshop (Ages 5-9)
Workshop The Birth of Words
Workshop Upcycling Workshops: Creative Prints with Waste Materials
Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (February - Group 1)
Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (February - Group 2)
Seminar The Making Of A Biennial: Models, Institutions, Stakeholders
Film The Flat Jungle (De Platte Jungle)
Conversation Ayrılık
Workshop Material: Water
Seminar 3 Degrees? - Science and Politics as the Climate Crisis Accelerates
Workshop Sofia Casprini “Dynamic Floorwork” Workshop
Kid Akbank Children’s Theatre"What Am I Going To Be?"
Workshop Directoral Explorations in Modern Turkish Theatre
Kid Tracing Migratory Birds: Birdhouse Design Workshop (Ages 6-10)
Film 5 Walks Trilogy
Workshop Is Another Theatre Possible?
Kid Family Upcycling: Mosaic Workshop (Ages 4-8)
Kid Family Upcycling: Sculpture Workshop (Ages 4-8)
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